Monday, March 9, 2009

Who watches the watchmen - I did last night

So for the past few months I searched in vain for the graphic novel and finally found it at Exclusive books. I have always wanted to read the novel and experience the hype for myself.

I finished it on Thursday (5th of March) a day before the big (and really hyped) blockbuster movie was released. I promised myself that I would not watch the movie before I have read the novel. Below is my take on the movie (There may be some SPOILERS ahead, so don't continue if you haven't seen the film or read the novel)

The novel was awesome. I enjoyed every small detail in the novel (not comic). The characters were real people, without super powers and they were complex with real issues. One could almost relate to them. I could understand Rorschach’s hate against the evil in the world and Dan as an ageing "washed out" super hero. So to me the novel turned out to be something sacred. Maybe the ending was a bit weird with the squiddy alien thing, but still it seemed to fit in with the story and Ozzy's brilliant master plan.

On to the (very lengthy) movie. Did I enjoy the movie? Yes. Was it a masterpiece? Maybe. If I never read the novel I would have maybe seen the movie for something else and enjoyed it more. I have great respect for Zack Snyder (director) tackling such a big task. He captured a lot of small detail from the novel and translated it fluently to the big screen, but there was some key changes to the ending (which I did not like) and other areas that was left out (like how Rorschach got his mask.

What about the costumes? The comedian and Rorschach were probably the only outfits that were true to the novel. Nite Owl looked a bit like a ripped off Batman suit and Silk Specter was kitted out with more Lycra than a latex rubber factory.

Here comes the clincher, the part that ruined the whole movie. The selection of pop songs that jumped in and out of the different scenes.

When Dr Manhattan trashed Vietnam, "Ride of the Valkyries" started playing. It was out of place and stereotypical. I almost started laughing.

When Laurie entered the diner "99 Luftballons "started playing - out of place and random.

At the comedian's funeral (which in the novel to me was a spellbound image) started with "Sounds of Silence", I expected something way more mesmerizing and gloomy than a Simon and Garfunkel hit.

And then the Laurie and Dan scene followed (which was way to graphic) with "Hallelujah" as a theme song, totally out of place and made everyone feel uncomfortable.

The intro to the movie was brilliantly executed and Bob Dylan's "The Times They Are a'changin" was a great choice and integrated seemlesly with the scenes.

So my final verdict, watchmen is a visual feast and if you haven't read the novel yet and you are not a fan boy you will enjoy the movie.

If you are a fan of the novel you might experience mixed emotions.

See it and decide for yourself.

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